While the onset of winter means hibernation time for some marsupials, the Australian possum isn’t one of them. The beginning of winter is when most possums are born, so if you see some fat possums scouting for food (she’s eating for two!) or mother’s with their newborn babies in tow, don’t be surprised. Numbers tend to drop off coming in to winter as fatalities from collisions with cars, encounters with malicious cats, dogs, foxes and birds, and power line casualties all start to add up. This all changes as we come into winter however as a new batch of these cute but pesky critters are born into their suburban hideouts.

Unfortunately for those of us in the suburbia of Brisbane, and all the way along the east coast of Australia, those hideouts are often inside the ceiling of our homes. You may have noticed that the noise from your local possums numbers have dwindled over the past few months as their numbers decrease. Less of them means less fights on your rooftop or in the trees outside your window at 4 a.m. and more space for each of the the remaining marsupials to enjoy.
If you did have a problem with one in your ceiling that just went away over the past few month, you may have been harbouring a critter that has moved on to greener pastures or simply passed away. This is a common occurrence for many Australian families. They have problems with possums living and fighting with each other in the ceiling but before they get around to doing something about it, they’re gone. If this has happened to you, then now is the time to take action. While you don’t have any living in your ceiling is the best time to find out how and where they are entering your premises and seal it off.
Our Campaign
In conjunction with Pesky Possum Pest Control we have been running an advertising campaign inform the public of Brisbane about this important preventative maintenance during this period. Spend a few minutes checking around your gutters and roofing to make sure there are no places for them to enter your ceiling, and seal up any potential entry point. By doing this you will not only save the hassle of having to get any of them trapped and removed once they start making a ruckus, you may also save on repairs from the damage that your new neighbours might cause to your walls, electrical wiring and roofing.
If you need assistance in assessing the situation of your home, give us a call on 1300 767 786, or sent us or the team at Pesky Possum an email. We’ll be happy to help you keep your home possum proof, or remove any unwelcome critters should you be so unlucky.