5 Interesting Spider Facts

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      Not many of us are big fans of spiders. These creepy crawlies are not usually welcome visitors to our homes, but most spiders aren’t nearly as dangerous as is widely thought. In fact, there are some very interesting spider facts we have to share with you. At Pest Control North Brisbane we offer professional pest control service for spiders in both residential and commercial properties. If you have a spider problem, you can trust our team to get it sorted for you! Recently, our friends over at Pesky Possum Bird & Pest Control compiled a list of 5 of the most interesting spider facts. We are sharing it with you here on our site! Let’s get started!

      1. Some Spiders Can Jump 50x Their Length!

      Have you heard of the jumping spider? Although it may sounds like something from your nightmares, the jumping spider is not only real, but it can also jump up to 50 times its own length! The green jumping spider is found throughout eastern Australia. The females measures up to 18 mm while the male is about 12 mm in body length.

      2. Spiders Are Incredibly Common

      Spiders are common all over the world, but you may not know exactly how common they are. A recent study of an undisturbed field of grass in Sussex found about 5.5 million spiders 10000 square meters. That’s a lot of spiders!

      3. Not All Spiders Build Webs

      It is a common misconception that all types of spiders are able to build webs and actively do so. In fact, many different types of spiders don’t use webs to catch prey. For example, daddy-long-legs spiders do not use web making to catch their prey.

      4. Some Spiders Eat Their Own Webs

      It may sound funny or strange at first, however when you really think about it, it starts to make sense. Imagine having made a whole web network and needing to move it due to predators or a storm. It would be pretty wasteful to just abandon it right? That’s why some spiders take to eating their web so they can ingest and recycle the amino acids in their web/

      5. Spiders Have Unique Eyesight

      As humans, we dont tend to think too much about the different elements of the ligh spectrum like UVA and UVB light as we simply cannot see it. However, spiders can! Some studies have shown that spiders are able to see UVA and UVB light, as well as other spectrums of light that we cannot see.

      Need A Spider Expert? Call Pest Control North Brisbane

      When you have a spider problem you need your local spider pest control experts, Pest Control North Brisbane. We offer a professional spider pest control service to help you solve your spider pest problem fast. Click here if you would like to find out more about our spider pest control service.

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      Chermside QLD 4032

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      • 12 months for Possum Removal and Proofing
      • 12 months for Bird Removal and Proofing
      • 6-12 months for General Pest Control (internal)
      • 1 months for Rat and Mice Control
      • 1 month for Wasp Removal

      All FSP subject to conditions

      Contact Pest Control North Brisbane

      ABN: 83 120 032 742 – ACN: 120 032 742
      Address: Chermside QLD 4032
      Phone: 1300 442 978
      Email: info@pestcontrolnorthbrisbane.com.au

      Hours of operation
      Monday to Friday : 8.00 - 5.00 pm
      Saturday : 8.00 - 12 noon
      Sunday : Closed

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